Our Team




Our Team

Billy Jorgensen

Co-Founder and Legal Advice
Our legal mastermind, with a passion for networking. Experienced in legal proceedings, international law, GDPR, and much more. Certified Six Sigma Blackbelt and market strategist.

Jil Klünder

Co-founder and Scientific Advice
Our expert on software engineering and team dynamics with a Ph.D. from Leibniz University Hannover. An expert in communication and interactions in meetings of development teams, information flow and collaboration in development teams, social network analysis and graph theory, agile and hybrid software engineering.

Julie Rowlett

Co-founder and Scientific Advice
Mathematics professor with a Ph.D. from Stanford, she is the author of what we call the "J-Machine" - the secret algorithm that is the result of an interdisciplinary research effort between her and Jil, which culminated in a 30.000 EUR innovation prize from Chalmers University of Technology. This money helped create the current version of teamApp.

Michail Verskajn

Co-founder and Business Development
One of the key drivers of teamApp with an entrepreneurial mindset towards the knowledge economy. Specializes in Intellectual Capital Management and team optimization in the innovation ecosystem. Previously active in tech transfer projects in Germany, the Netherlands and Hong Kong.

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