Our Team





Does it work?

According to research with teams and our pilot experiences – it does. It keeps the team motivated because they get feedback from little time invested and it identifies strengths as well as issues before they become a problem.

How does it work?

Every time a teamSnap is set up, 5 statements from a constantly data-driven and growing pool are selected (the first time at random, the next time by using the AI). The users, who are registered in the teamApp system with name and email, receive a teamSnap invitation in their email and are redirected to the teamApp UI via link. There, they give their answers to the statements. As their data is returned to the system, it gets processed by the teamApp core algorithm, combining neural networks, game theory and interaction-driven analysis. The results are then used to create a teamSight and a teamSense, which can be viewed by team members (or their admin). From this point on, the AI will select follow-up statements, based on the situation the team is in.

Can you really prevent start-up death?

Start-up teams want to succeed; they have a strong interest and inherent motivation. Problems with team dynamics don’t appear from nowhere. They start really small and grow. You can imagine it’s like a virus and we’re providing the vaccine. We identify topics/themes a team needs to discuss before it’s a problem. It’s like a vaccine that catches a virus early and stops it from replicating so the team stays healthy.

Does it make enough of a difference compared to existing methods?

Yes, and both our pilots as well as talks with companies using such solutions (Glint is an example) see teamApp as neither a replacement nor a competitor to these products. It’s like apples and oranges, we’re just different.


How does it compare to existing methods, like strength-based team improvement and other commonly used HR-tools?

teamSnaps are adaptive. They change depending on the team thanks to our AI. Moreover, the frequency of the teamSnaps is also adaptive – sometimes they are more often, sometimes less often – our AI figures this out again adapting to the team. We do interaction driven analysis, whereas HR tools are almost always component driven analysis. From the team’s perspective, they get something out of it each time. (Not just the boss/business coach etc getting a pile of statistics/data). The team gets encouraging and useful teamSights! The team feels like something’s happening and this creates a positive feeling about the process. They look forward to what will come next (since they don’t know) as well as what new teamSights they’ll get afterwards. Anticipation and curiosity – the teams actually want to use teamApp (as shown in our pilots).

It’s not just doing a long survey and then `thank you for your input.‘ The team gets teamSights that are new and different each week! Our AI will also incorporate customized gamification by figuring out which gamification elements appeal to different teams and users, so that there is even more motivation to participate in the teamSnaps. Why now? The machine learning & AI technology was simply not available when these very commonly accepted and respected methods (like strength-based team improvement, Barrett CTT, etc) were developed. We are THE start-up to be doing this because we are THE researchers at the forefront – combining software tools together with psychology and evolutionary game dynamics.

What makes it better than existing methods?

One major way is how our software adapts to each individual team. It learns what to topicize, how often to take teamSnaps (frequency need not be weekly). All of this changes and adapts over time with the team. Sometimes more frequent teamSnaps are needed, sometimes less. Moreover the way the topics are presented, like word choices and phrasing, this is based on new research (mostly Jil’s). So quite a lot is new because the research we use to design our software is brand new. A lot of tools are based on much older research. It is only very recent that psychology is being combined with software, neural networks, machine learning and AI in this way.


Do I need any introduction to use teamApp?

No, the software works completely autonomously. You and your team can decide how often they want to use teamApp and the AI will give out teamSnaps based on your previous input. All you do is receive a teamSnap, which takes as little as 2-5 minutes to fill out and the rest is done for you - you will receive insights quickly and easily - as often as you want or need.

Is teamApp customizable for individual companies, their structures and work practices,
in order to reliably optimize team efficiency?

teamApp is completely customizable (aside from the system architecture/UI). It doesn’t matter if you need to only have one teamSnap of 5 statements once per week or several weekly teamSnaps of varying statement count – all of these variants are possible.

What devices can I use teamApp on?

teamApp is usable on any device, although we suggest using your smartphone for the teamSnaps - the UI is optimized for touchscreen use and requires no text input at all.

Can I have my data, which is used for teamSights, anonymized?

Yes, that is possible.


teamApp utilizes personal data for teamSnaps - does that not violate GDPR?

We created teamApp with GDPR in mind. The administrative interface has the option of anonymizing a user, without being able to track them back by results. Due to the nature of the algorithm of teamApp and the use of aggregated data, it is not possible to “single out” a person even in the smallest team. This course of action has been created and verified by a GDPR law expert.

Can it be used to discriminate?

No. Individuals are never mentioned anywhere in the teamSnap nor in the teamSights produced by teamApp. The statements are carefully created using psychology and research so that they come across neutrally. The insights are focused on the team as a whole and never specifies any individual user.

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